A few short days after the International College of Dentists Global Visionary Fund approved the grant for the dental supplies of the D4EVF for its 2020 mission, Henry Schein Inc., through its social services arm, Henry Schein Cares Foundation shipped boxers of supplies worth almost $5000.00 to the California headquarters of the Foundation.
The supplies were shipped from the Henry Schein warehouse in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Quarterly dental missions for the year 2020 are now assured of adequate supplies and materials.
All the supplies received will be bundled with others donated by other entities including small equipment for the Foundation.
Dr. Ed de la Vega, the D4EVF President, will take all of these personally to Manila as he travels to the Philippines to personally participate and supervise the first dental mission scheduled at Barangay Ipil, Bongabong, and Mindoro Oriental on February 27-28-29, 2020.
The mission at Barangay Ipil was arranged through Dr. Victor Rosales of West Covina California. Joining the D4EVF are members of the Centro Escolar University Alumni Association in Southern California, the San Diego Filipino Dental Society and the National Association of Filipino Dentists in America.