“When you do good people would eventually notice and will lend a hand” so said one of our patients who witnessed the turned over of 34 syringes of various dental composite resin filling materials for the Foundation this morning at our offices.
Leslie Ventura, a long time dental supply agent who represents a dental supply house in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, came and delivered the dental filling materials. The market cost of the donated materials is $1360.00
“This is the best I can do to help you in your charity projects in the Philippines, particularly for your coming 2019 projects”. I know you can make good use of these materials, as I am familiar with the dental need in the country, particularly those who are poor and abandoned”, he said.
Ventura donated composite filling materials manufactured by one of the best in the dental composite manufacturing- Heraeus Kulser Gmbl. The materials donated are from the Charisma Brand of hybrid composite filling materials manufactured in Hanau, Germany.
The amount donated by Ventura will be enough to cover procedures for at least 300-400 patients starting with the first mission for 2019 slated at Silang, Cavite under the auspices of the Rogationist Seminary and supported by the Group A Dental Associates of Las Piñas City.
Donations to the Foundation can be made in cash or in kind. Dental materials can be sent to our offices while cash donations can be directly given through our website donation system.